About Us
The U.S. Constitution is the supreme and ultimate law of the land, which is fully vested in the U.S. Congress. Congress states, “that the opportunity for full participation in our free enterprise system by socially and economically disadvantaged persons are essential if we are to obtain social and economic equality for such persons and improve the functioning of our national economy”.
Justice Equality and Economics is a value-driven group of business owners, attorneys, and community members providing resources to those who have been marginalized and under-represented in our economic and political climate.
We are committed to amplifying our neighbors’ silenced voices. Our organization researches candidates to ensure their view and approach is in the best interest of the electorate.
When properly enforced, The Small Business Act, the Codes of Federal Regulations, and other local laws can benefit socially and economically disadvantaged persons. We will work to see that these laws are enforced correctly.
Please join us in our work to bring attention to those currently denied fair access to free enterprise opportunities.